
These projects are the bomb. Well, not really a bomb, but da bomb, y'know, like awesome but more explosive or something. Anyway check em out and make happy noises en masse.

A picture of Lorem Heights perching above the dreary doldrums of yesteryear.
  • Editorial
  • Vistas
  • Chortle puffs
Grand Developments

Lorem Heights

Lorem Heights was as tough as nails and as quick as a swallow. Had we more time, we would have longed for less. Ufficitur, mollis elit non, commodo lorem. Praesent non est id erat accumsan vehicula eu quis mauris. In placerat velit ut quam vulputate faucibus. Nam finibus diam ac velit efficitur.

  • whizbang
  • whifflepuff

A picture of Ipsum Flats overlooking Lorem Heights, which is really a strange paradox of a conundrum.
  • Heavenly
  • Vistas

Ipsum Flats

Ipsum Flats is as flat as a board, except for that hill on one side, which, let’s face it, is really just a mound. We sawed and bladed and whetted and spitted and wholloped that mound into the shining example of human ingenuity it is today. What a wonderous piece of work!

  • whifflepuff
  • pigglywiggly
  • fuzzy wuzzy
  • ding-a-ling

A picture showing the flat Hills of Tempus, an optical illusion of hills drawn into the grass so that they look like hills, but they're really in a valley. All of the glamour, none of the climbing!
Grand Developments

Tempus Hills

A wonderful subdevelopment is the hills of Tempus.

Tempus Hills rose into the sky above the rolling hills of tempus. In eleifend neque justo eget mi. Nullam mattis neque ut ligula bibendum, nec molestie est elementum. Etiam vel ipsum magna. Suspendisse potenti. Nam ultricies justo vitae hendrerit molestie. Nunc elementum efficitur risus et cursus. Sed et nisl eu sem condimentum porta. Nunc porttitor vel dolor.

  • whizbang
  • oompaloompa
  • fuzzy wuzzy
  • ding-a-ling