Cool Features

Fully Responsive

Works on a range of devices and screen sizes, with a automatically collapsing menu sidebar at smaller sizes.

Built on HTML5 + CSS3

Uses modern browser capabilities to reduce reliance on Javascript while delivering awesome features.

Super Customizable

Beyond content, theme elements can be configured, and even removed entirely, using site config variables or Jekyll front matter.

Neat Articles

A thumbnail version of the Jekyll logo, featuring stylized script and a red-liquid-filled test tube

Welcome to Jekyll!

  • julia
  • petunia

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

Build a blog
  • jekyll
  • meta
  • technology
  • code
  • site
  • editorial theme
Some tatoos

Look at my great tatoos everybody!

  • julia
  • aurelius

Etiam sed odio in dui aliquet sollicitudin. Quisque at convallis quam. Quisque pulvinar ullamcorper ipsum ac placerat. Donec leo elit, rhoncus sit amet velit id, faucibus dapibus sapien. Pellentesque posuere porttitor laoreet. Phasellus non vehicula risus. Fusce blandit tincidunt nisi, in feugiat dui scelerisque eu. Morbi rutrum posuere dolor, nec feugiat nisi rhoncus non. Integer lacus justo, imperdiet quis mollis nec, bibendum ac magna. Aenean ac ex turpis. Cras bibendum aliquet est, id scelerisque purus condimentum id. Duis venenatis ullamcorper commodo. Phasellus et sapien arcu. Nunc iaculis mattis rhoncus.

  • polar bears
  • wompus
  • amet
  • delicious tiremarks
Had we had more of the stuff, we wouldn't need the doohickeys and doodads shown here.

Stupid computers and the games they play with our emotions

  • julia
  • armini

Are your blog posts not converting as well as you’d like them to? Want to know the secrets of how to write a blog post that converts? In this article, we’ll share 7 tips that will help you write a blog post that converts.

Random thoughts
  • ping pong
  • goofyfoot
  • wompus
  • tiddlywinks
incredible picture of something.

High Septon or should we all just go marching along?

  • julia
  • aurelius
  • armini
  • augustus
A Wall of Text :: Suscipit adipiscing bibendum est ultricies integer. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus. Et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Id interdum velit laoreet id. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce....
Random thoughts
  • amet
  • ping pong
  • goofyfoot
  • tempus
  • sed
This would have been a picture of a polar bear if we had such pictures.

Cranky polar bears play hooky from fishing school

  • cronk
  • augustus

Vestibulum sit amet tellus vitae nulla tempus suscipit. Morbi eros erat, cursus quis nisi non, ultricies porttitor nisl. Mauris interdum ac sem quis porttitor. Cras sagittis hendrerit ipsum, sed gravida massa facilisis a. In porta pulvinar orci, vel fringilla mi facilisis et. Donec in posuere ante. Sed dictum condimentum tellus. Fusce at aliquam metus, sit amet tristique diam.

Random thoughts
  • whifflepuff
  • ping pong
  • ullamcorper
  • sed
this is amet and whizbang, and in fact, lolligag and whifflepuff!

Amet varius aliquam

  • julia
  • aurelius

Amet varius aliquam #lolligag nec enim. Sed @julia vehicula lorem urna, sed finibus tortor varius at. Vestibulum nulla diam, vestibulum et nisl eu, venenatis vehicula nulla. Fusce mi nisl, accumsan ac ultrices non, aliquet aliquet velit. Vivamus pellentesque tincidunt lacus, non pharetra orci lacinia at. Donec tempor vestibulum sem vel dictum.

  • amet
  • whizbang
  • lolligag
  • whifflepuff